Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tampa Gun Show, June 2-3

Join us at the Tampa Gun Show on June 2nd and 3rd. We will be sharing space with the University Gun & Pawn Shop at the State Fairgrounds located at 4800 U.S. Highway 301 N., Tampa, FL 33610.

Tampa Gun Show – June 2-3, 2012
HOURS: Sat 9am - 5pm
Sun 9am - 4pm

Adults $8.00
Kids (12 & under) Free
All persons under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information visit: suncoastgunshows.com/gun_shows/tampa_gun_show.htm

Please visit our booth at the show for more information regarding NFA gun trusts. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have at the show or visit our website at floridaguntrust.com.

If you are considering purchasing a suppressor, silencer, short-barreled shot gun, SBR or other Class 3 weapon, NFA trusts are a way to purchase these items without obtaining your local sheriff’s or other Chief Law Enforcement Officer’s (CLEO) approval. Many CLEOs will not sign the certification necessary for an individual to purchase Class 3 weapons. The Davis Basta Law Firm is qualified to prepare a gun trust for your weapon(s), usually within 48 hours.  An attorney will review your information and prepare a Gun Trust tailored for your particular needs.  Please call Terri at 727-938-2255 or visit our webpage at: http://www.davisbastalaw.com/gun_trusts.php.

Monday, May 7, 2012

How do I transfer my firearm to a Gun Trust?

You should consult with a Gun Trust Attorney and ATF to ensure compliance before transfer of a firearm to a  Trust.  If a firearm made in compliance with 26 U.S.C. 5821 is to be transferred subsequently, the transfer must be made in compliance with the provisions of the firearms laws and regulations.  Specifically, ATF requires that you complete ATF Form 4- Application for Tax Paid Transfer of a Firearm.  Form 4 provides, “any person seeking to transfer a firearm tax paid must complete, in duplicate, an application on this form for each firearm.”  ATF Form 4.  A transfer tax is imposed with respect to firearms transferred at the rate of $200 for each firearm transferred, except that the transfer tax on any firearm classified as “any other weapon” is at the rate of $5 for each firearm transferred.   

Additionally, you must have a valid Trust.  You can obtain a Florida Gun Trust here.  

How do I distribute or transfer firearm(s) held in a Gun Trust to a beneficiary named in the Gun Trust?

You should consult with a Gun Trust Attorney and ATF to ensure compliance before distribution to a beneficiary.  If a firearm made in compliance with 26 U.S.C. 5821 is to be transferred subsequently, the transfer must be made in compliance with the provisions of the firearms laws and regulations.  Specifically, ATF requires completion of Form 5- Application for Tax Exempt Transfer and Registration of Firearm.  Form 5 provides, “[a] registered firearm may be transferred without payment of the transfer tax if…(4) it is being transferred to a beneficiary of an estate.”  ATF Form 5.  Click here to ask a question regarding transfer of a firearm held in trust to a beneficiary.

In a nutshell, Form 4 to put a firearm into a trust and Form 5 to take a firearm out of a trust!