Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Are there any possession issues that I need to be concerned about with a gun trust?

Yes. Possession is a critical issue that must be addressed to make certain that the people who you choose to have access to your Class III item are not in danger of prosecution. These are issues that we address in all of our gun trusts. There are certain safeguards that should be utilized, like the use of a safe or lockbox, where only those individuals legally permitted to possess the NFA, or Class III item, have access. If you do not have a safe or lockbox, we always recommend one. All of the following frequently asked questions below involve possession issues:
If I have a gun trust, and I’m with a friend at the gun range, can he use the NFA firearm?

If I have a gun trust, can my wife use the NFA firearm if I’m not at home and an intruder breaks into the residence?

Can anyone mentioned in the gun trust utilize the NFA firearm, or class III item?

If I have a gun trust, who is allowed to utilize the NFA firearm, or class III item?

Posted by: The Davis Basta Law Firm, P.A., http://www.davisbastalaw.com/, a law firm located in Palm Harbor, Florida, which prepares firearm trusts for individuals throughout the State of Florida. http://www.floridaguntrusts.com/

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