Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why do I need a gun trust?

A gun trust is not needed to obtain Class 3 weapons (machine guns, gun suppressors, gun silencers, fully automatic rifles, short barreled shotguns and short barreled rifles). Without a firearms trust or corporation, prior to submitting Form 1 or Form 4 to the ATF, individuals must receive approval (certification) from their local chief law enforcement officer (“CLEO”). See: FEDERAL FIREARMS REGULATIONS REFERENCE GUIDEMany clients have indicated that law enforcement officers have been reluctant or simply refuse to give the certification to acquire suppressors, silencers, SBRs or other Class 3 weapons. This certification, as well as fingerprinting, is not necessary when you place the Class 3 weapons into a trust. Creating a corporation is another method available, but requires an annual fee and does not provide the privacy that a trust provides.

Are there any possession issues I need to be concerned about with a trust?
Yes. Possession is a critical issue that must be addressed to make certain that those individuals who will have access to the suppressors, silencers, fully automatic weapons, or other Class III weapons are not in danger of prosecution. These are issues that must be addressed in the trust. Safeguards, like a safe or lockbox, where only those legally permitted to possess the Class III weapons have access, are precautions to be considered.

Why should I buy my firearms trust from the Davis Basta Law Firm?
We are happy to answer any questions, offer outstanding customer service, have a quick turnaround time (usually within 2 business days), competitive rates, and we have been preparing firearms trusts for years. Please contact us.For more information and timely articles, visit our Gun Trust Blog

Once I get my trust from you, what do I need to do?
You and each of the Trustees must execute the trust before a notary public and two witnesses. After the trust is completely executed, you will provide a copy of the trust to the gun shop where you are purchasing your Class III weapon. The gun shop will assist you in completing ATF Form 4 and forward ATF Form 4 with a copy of the trust to the ATF. You will pay the gun shop for the Class III weapon and the tax stamp at the time of purchase. Once you receive the tax stamp from the ATF, you will be able to pick up your Class III weapon.

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